Supporting couples in regaining their emotional connection, deepening their intimacy and helping them begin to hear each other in a new way.

Online therapy for couples in DC, VA & PA

In the beginning, you found your partner’s quirks and flaws endearing and were able to laugh them off with ease.

You felt understood, seen and hopeful for all that was ahead. But over the years, you feel yourselves becoming enveloped in the never-ending demands of childcare, the stacks of dirty dishes, overwhelming to-do lists and constant pressure of work deadlines. You snap more frequently at each other, feel like you’re repeating your requests with no change and notice a creeping feeling of resentment starting to grow.

You long for the days when you and your partner could talk for hours but lately they seem disengaged and distant. At the end of the day, they seem more interested in scrolling on their phone than talking with you, seemingly indifferent to the absence of emotional connection you used to share in the early days.

When you fight, you find yourselves unsure of how to apologize and reconnect. Arguments get dropped but never resolved leaving you feeling uneasy and like you have to edit yourself around certain topics to keep the peace, your relationship constantly feeling on shaky ground.

Despite feeling like you can tackle and solve any challenge that arises at work, you find yourself feeling unequipped, at a loss and lonely within your partnership, less and less able to reach your partner.

At home, you find yourself growing resentful and frustrated, constantly having the same arguments on loop. You feel increasingly angry, unseen for the mountain of to-dos that you manage which seem to be invisible to your spouse. Yet, when you try to bring it up it results in a fight of “who does more” and leaves you feeling dismissed and further disconnected and shut-out. You feel misunderstood, taken for granted, unsupported and deadlocked with the same person you used to feel was the one person who truly understood and “got” you.

You long to rewind to the days where you felt listened to, desired and cared about. You want your spouse to know how much you still love them, how much you miss having fun together and how behind all the demands you are begging them to open up, to talk to each other like you once did. You’re tired of feeling like your time at home is steeped in disappointment, arguments and constantly walking on eggshells.

Due to the time investment involved, Therapy Intensives require a 50% deposit at the time of booking to confirm appointment. The remaining 50% will be paid on the first day of the intensive. Please note that Therapy Intensives are not covered by insurance and do not qualify for out-of-network reimbursement.

You’re in the right place if you’re ready to:

  • Experience the relief of feeling heard.

  • Feel hope that comes from moving towards as solution.

  • Cultivate tools to connect and communicate in a productive way with your spouse.

  • Tackle feelings of anger and resentment to have the best partnership you can.

  • Learn how to regulate your emotions during disagreements with your partner.

  • Deepen intimacy in your relationship through all the seasons of your relationship.

  • Move from being in a “good place” to a “great place”.

What Does a Couple’s Therapy Intensive Include?

Pre-Intensive Assessment

Together, we will meet for a 50 - minute session so that I can gather information about your relationship and learn more about your relationship strengths and challenges. The results from this session will help inform your intensive and allow me to customize it to you as a couple.

The Intensive

Based off the information gathered during our assessment session, this is where we will delve into interventions and begin doing the deep work of creating momentum towards addressing your challenges and moving towards your relationship goals.

Post-Intensive Session

During the post-intensive session, we will have the opportunity to reflect on any insights gained during the intensive and talk about creating a plan to continue to sustain the changes you have committed to in the intensive.


All couple’s face conflict but not all couple’s stay stuck there.

Couples counseling can help you navigate conflict productively and help you regain the emotional intimacy that feels lost.

A lot of times, couple’s counseling can focus on putting out immediate fires rather than getting to the root cause of issues between couples. Couples intensives aren’t for the faint of heart - they are for couples who are ready to roll up their sleeves, engage with honesty and hard work and are designed for proactive couples who are invested in seeing real change in the way they relate to each other.

With a couple’s therapy intensive, my goal is not to rehash every fight you have ever had. It is to do a deep dive into your relational dynamic without having to deal with the “start and stop” of weekly sessions. This is a place where you can gain access to the skills and tools to have the best possible relationship and work towards really feeling seen and heard by your partner.

Together, we will explore the strengths and difficult parts of your relationship. I will invite you to explore what it feels like to listen to each other in a new way rather than continuing to get stuck in the same cycle of conflict you may find yourself stuck in. Using evidence-baed approaches such as Imago and EFT, I can help you and your partner discover and communicate with each other in a new way. My goal in our time together is to help collaborate with you to establish a safe, empathetic and loving connection in the space between you in order to approach and explore struggles that arise in your partnership.

My goal is that you leave our time together with greater clarity around your dynamic as a couple, gain insight around the skills needed to go deeper in your relationship and feel hopeful that transformation is possible to create a deeper, more vulnerable and emotionally connected relationship with your partner. Additionally, from our time together, you will have new new insights around how your past is showing up in your present relationship, evolved skills around how to engage and communicate with empathy and love and a greater understanding of ways to emotionally regulate during conflict. Most importantly, I want couples to leave with a sense of hope that through commitment and intentionality, they have the power to transform their relationship in a deep and meaningful way.

If you’re ready to get unstuck in your relationship, I can help.